
One year ago today

April 14th, 2010.  That was a big day for me.  For us.  I can't believe it's been a year!  Read this post  :)

I never blogged about that day so here goes.  Gosh, I'm starting to get sentimental...I'm not going to cry.!  But I might tomorrow.

I woke up on a Wednesday morning and took a Dollar Tree pregnancy test.  It said to read the results within 3 minutes.  1...2...3...is that a line?  Probably not...wait, hold it up to the light.  I am looking way too hard for it.  I went back to bed for thiry minutes.  I got up, needing to get ready for work.  I went and looked at the test again.  What the heck!?  I DO see something.  I think.

"Ryan, do you see that?" 

"Yeah.  What does that mean?"

Holy crap.

I went into work.  I don't think either of us was ready to belive it.  I told Ryan maybe I would pick up a better test and take it the next morning.  I could NOT concentrate at work.  And I was burning up.  I walked over to the thermostat  and started messing with it while my boss proceeded to tell me that it was not even hot in the room.  I printed something from my desk, walked over to the printer, then walked into the middle of the room and said, "Who printed this?"


I couldn't take it any longer.  I told my boss that I was leaving to run an errand.  I ran up to CVS to get a digital pregnancy test.  I was just going to take it there but I didn't want to pay for it and then walk to the back where the restroom was.  I'm weird.  So I went to the Target restroom.  Which is fitting because Target is my home away from home and my all time favorite store.  Right?

I prayed, God if this is your will...

I looked down.  Pregnant.

Ahhhh!!!  Words can't begin to describe how excited I was!  I left Target (probably the only time in history I would enter and exit the store without purchasing anything) and called my boss to tell her I was going to be taking an extended lunch.  I drove as fast as I could to Ryan's office with Taylor Swift singing "I don't know how it gets better than this."  My thoughts exactly.  I kept picking up the test and looking at it, just in case it somehow changed. . .

I pulled into the parking lot and texted my husband, "Can you come outside?"  He said he knew at that moment. 

He came out and said, "So are you?"  I said, what? I just drove out here to tell you hi. :-)  I showed him the test and he quickly became excited and nervous (as he kept repeating) and also throwing in, "I hope it's a boy!"  :>  Sorry Karlyn.  You know your daddy wouldn't trade you for anything.

We ate lunch at Subway although I had zero appetite.  The rest of the work day for me was not so productive as my mind reeled with possibilities, hopes, and amazement.  I was going to have a baby!  I had prayed for, cried over, and wanted this for so, so long it seemed.  Thank you Lord!!!

I think I got about 2 hours of sleep that night.  One of the best days of my life.  April 14th will always be special to me, as will the Target handicapped bathroom stall.  When it comes to memories, I'm not picky.

[caption id="attachment_2175" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Our sweet gift!"][/caption]


Kelley said...

Kati, this is so sweet! Karlyn is a great & precious gift. You are an incredible Mother and I am so proud to call you my Niece.

Jenny said...

What a sweet post! You are such an amazing person and mother :D

Jess said...

This is such a touching post and makes me excited for when that day comes for me (in lots of years!) You are incredible!

katiivey said...

It is exciting! Lots of years... ha ha

katiivey said...

Ah, thanks. I'm trying...

katiivey said...

Thank you! :)

MOM said...

you weren't the only one praying for you to get pregnant.
my 1st grandbaby. I love her to pieces!!!!!!!!!

katiivey said...

She loves you too! She just wants to see you more :>

karen said...

Great story! Thanks so much for sharing! Can't wit to see you.

Rachael Weeks said...

I'll always be able to remember the date since 4/14 is Meagan's birthday! A very special date for both of us! :-)