
8 weeks !!!

Assuming  everything measures the same at my upcoming appointment Wednesday, today I am 8 weeks along!

From Thebump.com:

Playing host to an ever-growing embryo does take a toll. Heavy fatigue may be setting in... Treat yourself gently, and it doesn't hurt to remind your partner to do the same. Though it's not showing yet, you're growing a little person in there!

Baby's now the size of a raspberry!
Baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs, and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy.

So cool!  I can't wait for our appointment Wednesday, even though I have to do bloodwork again :/  I better just suck it up and get used to it huh!?  I have to stop being squeamish and a wuss.  ASAP.   :)

I feel so blessed.  I know that nothing is promised and that each day is a gift.  Ryan and talk a lot about whether it's a girl or a boy.  We don't care!  I'm partial to oldest girls (I am one :>) but I also think it's way cool to have an older brother, like Ryan's siblings have!  We do have names though.  I know, it's early...we could change our minds...blah, blah.  But we really like what we've come up with!  No telling though ;-)

1 comment:

Tina said...

Peter & I had names picked out that early too. We were lucky that we had quite a few we loved. We even had our next baby's name picked out during my first pregnancy because we had options 1 and 2. Haha!

I love how excited you are!