
bebecha earrings ~ giveaway!

hey hey.  i thought it would be fun to hold an early Christmas giveaway!  and to write in all lowercase.
i know this will give Heather a headache...  ;>
but yeah.  i've mentioned before that i love this site --> veryjane
well, a few weeks ago they featured these adorable button-esque earrings that I just couldn't pass up.  i bought a few pairs to give away as presents and then thought, hey, i should give one away on my blog!
do you shop etsy?  i really should more.  there is SO much cute stuff out there and you could spend hours browsing.  **little plug** i have 2 friends that have their own etsy shop so go check them out!
do you want a fun pair of earrings to brighten up your Fall and Winter wardrobe?  looking for the perfect little stocking stuffer for that special lady?  look no further.  i'm gonna help you out!

taken from the website...these earrings are made with hypoallergenic stainless steel earring posts.  aren't they stinkin cute?!  here is the bebecha etsy site if you want to see more.  these are mustard and white striped.  obviously.

enter below to win!  and then check back wednesday, dec 5th  when i'll announce the winner :>

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

uumm, adorable. I think I tried to enter to soon because it wouldn't take. Never fear, I WILL try again. :)

Heather said...

1. Thanks for the shout out(s)!!
2. I'm entering and to answer the question of my favorite Christmas memory...I'd have to say waking up on Christmas morning with my siblings and running to the tree to see what our unopened gift was. :)

mommy Sheets :) said...

Trying so hard to stay awake with my four siblings to see if we could catch Santa <3

Kati said...

Just a reminder...make sure after you leave your comment that you go back to the rafflecopter box and enter there that you commented!

Thanks =)

Anonymous said...

I guess I did this backwards... But my favorite Christmas memory is every Christmas Eve my mom would make homemade hot chocolate and we'd watch Its a Wonderful Life. We'd then get to open one present and force ourselves to go to sleep!

Rachel said...

Hmm...favorite CHristmas memory is Christmas Eve! We always have enchiladas, we get to open one present each, and then all sit together in my parents' fully decorated living room and listen to my dad read the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible.

Karo said...

My favorite Christmas memory is having all my siblings home and waking up early to open our gifts! And Kolton and I shaking the gifts, guessing what was inside. :)

The Young's said...

Waking up early on Christmas mornings as a kid for sure, but I most love the memories of being adult children being home from college.. the early morning drinking coffee with my mom and my brother while my dad was passing out the gifts.