

Sweeeeet!  11 people have entered the "It Starts With Food" giveaway!  And we still have three days left!  So tell your friends and family.  This book really does have it all and I'm very much looking forward to going through my copy again.  I may start that this weekend.  In between baby showers. :>

This afternoon I got to spend time with my sweet friend Andrea and her little boy Grayson.  He is getting so big!  There's nothing like mom time to just chat about life.  I'm so glad we got to do that.

Let's see.  What else?  I'm almost through with my Defensive Driving online course.  Let me tell you, that is some fun stuff right there.  I just need to finish it so they can mail me my certificate and I can be done with this.  It totally makes me never want to get a ticket again though.  And just for the record, I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS IN A SCHOOL ZONE, Sir.  I mean, I knew, but only for one milisecond before you pulled me over.  And I was on the phone with my husband after leaving the hospital.  No, no, no excuses.  Ugh.

I kind of got a little sad the past two days.  Monday was the 6th which marks three months since our miscarriage.  I really don't think about it too much and maybe that's because I don't let myself.  But it still makes me sad and I still wish things had gone differently.  Other times though, I believe my friend who told me that God's timing is always good even though it might not seem like it at the time.

I'm also reading a new book called "Crazy Love."  It's amazing because each chapter is hitting me where I need it.  Like yes, this applies to me right NOW. 

What are you reading?  What are you thinking?  What are your best excuses to get out of a ticket?



The Young's said...

God's timing is perfect, my friend. He might let you bend, but will never let you break!! (love that song, btw)

I'm currently reading "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Pearce. It's pretty great, so far.

Thinking? Hmm.. that i need to be in bed right now and that I'm super excited to be off work until Tuesday. AAAANd, we have no idea what we're doing for our 5 yr anniversary Saturday. Sounds kinda sad that we're not making more of a deal of it. Ah.. maybe next year! hehe.

katebradley said...

God's timing is perfect!!! Although sometimes it's also really hard. I read and liked Crazy Love. Very convicting.