
Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Scenes from Camp

We got to go "camping" with four other couples from our Sunday School class.  It was a lot of fun!  Even though it was a short weekend, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and it was nice to relax - babyless. ;>

I took these first few pics...Tim, one of the guys, took the rest.  He brought the nice camera!

My stud-muffin

Cabin.  Food!  Sleep.--> Dark Rooms!  Fun.  Fellowship.  Signs...a crazy hilarious game that's more fun the later it gets.  Girls against Guys.  Lake.  Tubing!  Country Music.  Sun. :-)  And last but not least, Tony's Chuck Norris jokes.  (more like one-liners.)  Testimonies.  Singing.

So glad we got to go with this group!


Amanda said...

Looks like so much fun! And Tony jokes - he's one of a kind for sure :)

Josh and Shan said...

We missed going this year. I'm so glad ya'll had a good time!!