
Snip, Snip

Somebody in this house had her very first hair-cut!  I had kind of been putting it off but the cute little curls were quickly becoming more mullet-like.  Even our hair girl said so. :-)

Karlyn had stayed the day with her Nona and aunt Ashley so I just had them meet me up there on my lunch hour the Friday before Memorial Day.  Of course we had cameras - digital and video - ready to go.  I really had no idea what Karlyn would think but she did pretty well!  For about seven minutes and then she was done.  Luckily it didn't take Amy long and we just cleaned up the back and a little overall.  I'm so glad I took her there; I love the way it looks now.  I didn't want to chop it all off (there's not much to begin with) and I still it wanted it to look girly.  It's much less stringy now :>

What exactly are we doing here people?

Hey, I already look good...

I love this mirror shot.

She kept turning as soon as Amy would get ready to cut.

We gave her a comb to play with.

And...the finished product!

That's not a sucker. It's a hair color key she found =)

Only the first of many "do's" my dear.  I wish I still had her blonde hair!

I couldn't believe it but that wasn't the only first we had that day.  We haven't officially started potty training but every night before her bath I let Karlyn sit on her potty and just see what happens.  Nothing happens.  But that Friday night we had gotten home and it was time for her bath.  She had been asking to sit on the big potty so I set her up there and held on to her.  Next thing I know, the girl is peeing!  A lot!!  I scream for Ryan and tell her over and over "good job!"  I know it was just a fluke but hey, it's a start.  I told Ryan to go get her some kind of treat.  He came back with a single frosted shredded wheat.  Awesome.  =)  Ha ha.

So it was a fun day that led up to an even more fun weekend.  I'll be back with that.

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