We had 11 people total enter the giveaway. I couldn't use a random integer number this time so I did it the old fashioned way: wrote down each of your names up to 3 times if you qualified :-) and tossed em into a bowl and drew. 2 times. I know I said I wanted at least 5 more entries, but 4 was close enough I guess.
I decided to go ahead and announce the winners early today. I don't know what is up with my system - I can't remember the last time I was sick, but I was cleaning last night and started to feel that tickle in my throat that lets you know a sore throat is coming...? It did. I slept awful and my mother-in-law came and got Karlyn this morning so I could rest and guzzle fluids. I couldn't sleep though which annoys me more than anything else when I know I NEED TO SLEEP.! I really hope this goes away fast because I don't need to miss any work. :/ Why is my body revolting against me? Get it together immune system.
So here we go. . .
Winner #1 is: SYDNEY!
Winner #2 is: RACHEL!
CONGRATS LADIES!!! If both of you will get me your mailing address, I'll do my best to have your Shaklee sampler pack out this week.
I really appreciate everyone entering and spreading the word about something I am so excited about. If you didn't win, and you are interested in anything Shaklee has to offer, let me know. I would love to talk to you! I'll also be holding some upcoming events SOON where you can have the opportunity to learn more about the #1 natural nutrition company in the United States. If you didn't recently get an invite to one of these and you'd like one, let me know. My goal is never to pressure anyone into anything but simply to share what I'm passionate about. Living a healthier life and living well. :-)
Congratulations to the winners!!! :)
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