
5 Months!

Karlyn Kaye Ivey.  How are you already 5 months old?!!!

Baby girl, you are getting to be so much fun.  I know I say this every month, but it really does seem like you've changed every morning when
I wake you up you wake me up.

Your daddy and I were just talking tonight about how BIG you are.  You're definitely not a frail one :>

Here's some of what you've been up to:

You still eat 5x a day and while I thought you were about to enter distracted land while eating, it really hasn't been bad.  I'm excited to start some solids foods with you next month...maybe some SWEET POTATO!  You SMILE all the time and it's so. stinkin. cute.  As your sitter likes to say, you have a "cheeser" smile and you crinkle up your whole little round race and I just melt.

You're sleeping pretty well and go to bed around 8:00 but for some reason you keep waking up anywhere from 4:00-5:30 and we usually put you in our bed or the swing to catch a few more zzzz's.  You used to make it till 6:00 or 6:30!  Let's get back to that, shall we?

You like to play on your activity mat, sit in your bumbo seat or bouncer, and sometimes recently, hang out in the pack n play.  You're also still a fan of the swing and it usually calms you down if nothing else will.  You've also gotten a little more used to your jumpy thing and while you can't "jump" yet, you like to twist around in circles.  In the mornings, while mommy and daddy are getting ready for work, you sit in your bumbo and watch some Nick Jr.  I know, probably not the best, but it's only for a few minutes, and it works.  I love to hold you up in the air for "super
manwoman," take you for walks in the stroller, and have fun during bathtime.  Speaking of your stroller, I started just strapping you in and not using your seat and you seem to like it.  You kinda crane your head forward to see what all's out there.  You have great head control now but can't sit up on your own yet.  It won't be long though.  You're still rolling over like it ain't no thing, but really only from back to tummy.

Um, she was totally supervised here.!

Karlyn, I love to take you places because people ooh and ahh over you and if you're in a chipper mood, you smile back.  You still are a little stranger-phobic though and sometimes those old woman faces in your little space upset you.  That's ok.  Remember, stranger danger.  Jk.  Sort-of.

Apparently, you're also quite flexible and can fit your toes into your mouth.  I have proof:

And...how could I forget?!  You found your thumb this week!  It was so cute and I thought you never would.  You are drooling and sucking on things like crazy and would usually just shove whatever fingers would fit into your mouth.  But now...now you can suck your thumb. :>

Sometimes I get frustrated with how much I have to pack to leave the house.  Sometimes I get tired of 3 diaper explosions and 2 baths in 1 day.  Sometimes I hate hearing you cry, looking at the clock, and seeing that it's 3:45 in the morning.

And sometimes...most times...I think I'm the luckiest mom in the world.  And I can't believe you're mine.  And that's...

Mommy and daddy love you sweet girl!  Keep on growing!  Or wait.  I mean, please slow down ;-)


Kelley said...

She is adorable....I know you love being a Mommy! <3

Amanda Estes said...

Love her!!!

mom said...

love the smile!! finally she found her thumb. can't wait for upcoming months when she will finally figure out who grandmother is and know how much she is loved.

Karen said...

I just took a few moments to get caught up on your blog. With three weeks left, your blog makes me smile and really look forward to what lies ahead. And I found your post about the hospital bag very useful. Def some things I need to add to my bag when I get home. So glad we are keeping in touch!

katiivey said...

I do! :-)

katiivey said...

Ok Karen, I'm so glad that was helpful! I am glad to keep in touch also and can't wait see and meet Calvin. I want to be a resource to you for any questions you might have...but no promises on answers :)