So I mentioned in my last post that myself and fellow co-workers had begun a program our HR director discovered called
It is really neat! We have 6 teams made up of field and office employees with 8 people to a team. And guess who's a team leader? :-)
I've never really "led" anything like this before so I'm excited. Basically my job is to encourage my team members to keep up their part of the routine, stay positive, and collect weekly mileage stats from each person to calculate our group progress for that week.
Here's how it works. Walk Across Texas wants individuals to commit for 8 weeks to walking for at least 30 minutes (consecutively), at least 5 days a week. But you don't have to just walk. The neat thing is that you can almost do any physical activity and then use the nifty mileage coverter to find out how many miles you covered. You can convert circuit training, yoga, or even housework! But it has to be at least 30 straight minutes.
There are supposedly some great prizes to be won! To qualilfy, each team has to together have walked a minimum of 830 miles at the end of 8 weeks. I love the idea of this and that it's not some crazy workout program (although I like those too ;>) but it's about getting people up and off the couch and MOVING. Anyone can carve out 30 minutes of their day to walk.
YOU CAN TOO! :-) Just commit to do it. It's amazing how much easier it is when you know you have a team counting on you for miles too.
So the contest started last Friday and so far Karlyn and I have taken 3 30 minute stroller walks together (pushing that thing with her in it is no joke!) I also got in a 30 minute treadmill walk at the gym. Today I'm hoping to make it to the gym again and haven't decided what I'll do. Maybe the weights :>
**What about you you? Have you ever participate in anything like Walk Across Texas? Does your work place offer incentives for physical activity? I personally love the idea. Fitter employees = Less sick days :--)
This sounds so cool! I like the simplicity, get off the couch approach, too.
I think that's so awesome to take stroller walks and get some activity in. Hope you were able to squeeze in the weights! :D
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