
Little things

Simple pleasures bring me great joy these days.  It's the little things.

Adult conversation.  A nap.  A 10 minute phone call with a friend. Blogging time at night.  Me time at night.  Snack time at night. :-) 8:00 PM. (baby bedtime) A trip to the gym.  Pandora.  Baking.  My sweet little girl's smile up at me like I'm the coolest person ever.  Time to shave my legs.  Time for eyeliner.  Just time. 

I know I'll never get this season back so I'm trying to live in the now and accept the good, the bad, and the crazy. 

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

1 comment:

Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...

The further and further I get into motherhood, the more and more I appreciate the smallest things. Have a great weekend!