
Berry Good Breakfast

Yes, I took precious time out of my pre-work morning routine to snap these pics for you.  I felt that a yogurt parfait was needed. 

* Strawberry yogurt

* Strawberries

* Blueberries

* Quaker granola with raisins

Layer one after the other till you reach the top run out of yogurt.  Eat and enjoy the one calm moment you will have until you arrive back home later that night.  It was pretty good!  I love fresh blueberries and this was our first carton of this year.  My usual breakfast has been 1 microwave scrambled egg and some cereal.  This is breakfast #1 somewhere around 7:30...7:45.  A couple hours later I have breakfast #2 at work. :--)  Yes, this baby's going to be a breakfast lover like its mama.  Anyways, morning meal numero dos was 2 frozen waffles, toasted and slathered with peanut butter and sliced banana.  Heaven.

What's your favorite breakfast?  My husband has a protein shake and bowl of cereal every morning.  Then mid morning, or before his lunch time workout, he eats a pb & banana sandwich. 

I feel sorry for people who don't eat breakfast.  It's fun!  And motivation to wake up.  And sets you up to eat less throughout the day.  Although that's obviously not my reason for eating it now :> 

Fuel up my friends!

1 comment:

Amber Shea @Almost Vegan said...

I'm definitely a cereal girl! :]