
What's in a name?

I'm still here :>

I just haven't felt like blogging much lately and sadly, I've handed over to whims and fancies the reigns of my life. ha.  Just kidding.  I did go work out tonight!  For 50 minutes!  I did 15 min walking on the treadmill, lifted, and then ended with 8 min on the bike.  I love lifting weights and feeling strong.  Every woman should lift weights.  Or do some type of resistance training.  Period.  You'll slash your risk of osteoporosis later in life and you'll just look a whole lot better!  Cardio can't do what the weights can. 

I probably have some pictures I could upload but no, I don't feel like getting my camera and uploading them.  Plus, I'd rather just share some news I'm pretty excited about.!

But first, a few random factoids/thoughts/musings for you:

1) My husband makes a mean meal.  Seriously.  I love that this guy can whip us up some dinner if I don't feel like it.  Last night he made some steaks, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, and salad.  Scrumptious

2) It's getting bloody hot outside.  I mean, we're half way through JUNE and as the radio dj kindly reminded me today, not even to the hottest part of summer.  Super. 

3) I'm finding that pregnacy is bringing out an outspoken side of me.  And I'm kinda rolling with it.  So if you give me advice/your opinion on something I disagree with, I may bite your head off I may tell you what I think too whereas before I might have held it in.

4) I eat. literally all day now.  I'm pretty sure I would find it highly annoying if I didn't love eating so darn much.  I've always been a grazer anyways but as my boss aptly described it, my desk is now a virtual buffet.

5) There are no good tv shows on right now.  Other than The Bachelorette.  This show is totally my guilty pleasure and succeeds at making Mondays a little less bleh.  So far my picks are:  Chris, Roberto, Frank, and Kirk. 

Dun da da da dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now.  What you've all been waiting for.  Not really.

Ryan and I have chosen our baby names!  Yes I know we're only just closing the gap between the 1st and 2nd trimesters but we love these names and haven't heard anything we like better.  If you don't love them, that's ok.  Odds are, my child's name will affect your life going forward 0%.  And, odds are you like some names I wouldn't!  We are big fans of them though and can't wait to see which one we'll get to use ;>

Boy:  Kase Daniel

Girl:  Karlyn Kaye

In case you need help, they're pronounced "case" and "kar lin."  The "K" comes from my side of the family and the middle names come from Ryan's parents.  We love that we were able to pull elements from both sides.   And we really weren't even planning on carrying on the "K" tradition; it just kind-of happened. 

So there ya have it.  One decision down.  5 gazillion to go.  :--)


homecookedem said...

Hey there, I just recently found your blog through Tina's and I'm so excited b/c I think you and I are really close together in our pregnancies! I'm almost 12 weeks, due Dec. 30! :) Are you showing yet? I can't decide if I am or not, haha! It's hard to tell the difference right now between a real baby and a food baby, haha! ;)

katiivey said...

That is so cool; we are really close!! That's so funny that you asked about showing...I'm like, come on already, look pregnant! I wake up with a pretty flat stomach still but by the end of the day, uh, not so much. I can create a food baby pretty quick, lol. Ok, I'm gonna check out your blog now ;)

Shannon Gillespie said...

LOVE the names! And fact #3 cracked me up!

Amanda Estes said...

Although I am saddened that Arthur Spooner Ivey didn't make the cut, I can't wait to meet baby Kase or Karlyn when they make their entrance into this world :)

katiivey said...

Believe it or not, Arthur Spooner lost by a very small margin ;>

katiivey said...

Thanks Shannon!

thehungryscholar said...

I love the blog and those baby names!

Amber Shea @Almost Vegan said...

4. Haha! That's great though, that means you're giving your gummy bear NUTRITION! I've had friend who LOST weight the first trimester cuz they never wanted to eat, so I think it's healthy that you have a good appetite.

5. Ok, I really dislike reality shows in general, but I was very depressed last spring/summer/whenever it was, and I ended up watching the Bachelorette with Jillian, and enjoying it! I caught a little of the Jake season of the Bachelor, just the last few episodes, but then 2 weeks ago I started watching the Bachelorette again. I like that Chris guy more after the last date, but I think I'm rooting for Roberto! :P

I like those names! Especially Karlyn. Reminds me of how my ex-bf's sister & brother-in-law named their daughter Kylee, which I thought was really cute too.

famishedtofantastic said...

I love how pregnancy can bring out things in you that you may never have done before. I too have become a little more outspoken. It happened after I had my daughter and now that I am pregnant again it happens even more often. I am usually the very quite reserved person but I guess it is just that "mother bear" that comes out in me.
I love your names especially your girl name. My daughters name is Braelyn so kind of in the same thinking.

katiivey said...

Braelyn is so cute! I think the "y" in both of those makes it look girly :>

katiivey said...

Amber, I wasn't hungry at all at the beginning and had a tough time finding stuff to eat that sounded good. But my appetite seems to be coming back :> I'm glad you're watching Bachelorette! ha ha.

mapledreams said...

I LOVE those names! i have a friend called Carlyn, but i think Karlyn is a realllllyyy pretty name! very good choice:)! xx