I've been mentally blogging all weekend so you know I'm going to leave something out.
Friday night Lindy and I had a stupendous dinner at the Garden of Olives. I got manicotti. I remembered it was cheesy but I didn't remember that it's basically shells filled with ricotta. Lindy gave me some of her eggplant parmesan- yum! We talked and caught up and I just love her. She's known me since I was an awkward, home-schooled 8th grader and stuck with me ever since :) Even though we're both married and no longer live 6 minutes apart, we still make an effort to get together whenever we can--which is not nearly enough!
Saturday, as promised, Ryan and I had a major work day. He worked out in the HOT yard, mowing, weed eating, and trimming bushes, while I spic 'n' spanned the kitchen (and actually mopped- I hate mopping- and only slightly less now that I have the Swiffer wet mop) worked out, got library books, bought "fresh plums" from these girls at a road-side stand, and cleaned the rest of the house. I had this crazy burst of energy that I totally took advantage of.
[caption id="attachment_1123" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Our beautimous backyard"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1125" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Clean Kitchen"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1126" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Baby Plums!"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1127" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Seriously. Like one bite."][/caption]
My workout felt awesome! I did 11 minutes of walking on the treadmill (I always up the incline at least a little), 11 minutes on the elliptical, Level 1 (I haven't done cardo in so long it seems!) and lifted weights. Squats, lunges, calf raises, push-ups, shoulder press, lat pull-downs, bicep curls, tricep extension, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d! Pretty much 2 sets of 10-12 on all of those. I've decided I'm going to work out when I feel like it, hopefully 2-3 times a week at least and I have no lofty goals other than maintaining some semblance of cardio endurance + muscle mass.
Saturday night Ryan and I went out for dinner and did a little home shopping at Kirkland's and Pier 1. Got some cool stuff and are going to really concentrate on finishing up the decorating of our house. 3 years. It's time. We stopped at this new malt shop on the way home. I'm still having my aversion to sweets -most of the time- especially ice cream. I got a small cup but couldn't finish it and Ryan ordered a shake. Well his shake was more like a cup of thick sweet milk. :/ Not so great. How can you mess up a milkshake?? Oh well.
At least I got a lovely shot of the sunset, driving home!
I am now 11 weeks along!! Ryan's getting used to taking belly pics and here are today's!
[caption id="attachment_1130" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="11 Weeks"][/caption]
Our next appt. is a week from Wednesday and I can't wait to hear the little heartbeat again! !
Now it's time to relax with these:
Or maybe catch a nap ;)
Question. **If you are or have been pregnant before, how did you alter your workouts or choose to stay active? I know the dr. said "no extreme sports" but is there anything in the gym that's a definite no-no?**
I think the first trimester is the hardest...I think shooting for 2-3 times a week is very reasonable. And I think after that you may find yourself up to 3-5 for awhile. I basically always say just listen to your body and do what you feel like. If you keep up with SOMETHING your body will keep up some fitness and you will be able to bounce back easier post baby. You're doing great!
Thanks Tina! I was so excited to get back in the gym. I told Ryan I want to be "that pregnant girl at the gym who is still working out." ;>
1. I'm jealous of your patio.
2. I didn't "work out" (i.e. at a gym) that much while I was pregnant, mostly because I was CRAZY busy coaching, which actually helped keep me in shape. I played soccer with my girls (no contact obviously) and walked a LOT. I mowed the lawn, and just generally kept active. In my opinion, all the activity was about equal to specific workouts (for me anyway). Once I got the all-clear from my doc post-partum though, I was hitting those boot camp DVDs. Come to think of it, those would be very helpful for me this summer... :)
Bravo for working out during your pregnancy!
Oh and I'm still jealous of your huge (compared to mine!) kitchen :]
Heather, I bet you DID stay in shape! Soccer has crazy amounts of running-why do think I never played? ;> I love work-out dvd's! And I heart mowing too.
I walked up until my 7th month or so. Makayla started dropping, and I started hurting quite a bit in my lower abdomen when I walked. I even tried wearing a support belt, but it still hurt so I stopped. What really surprised me, is how much nursing helped me to lose weight post-partum. I could seriously feel my uterus contract for 3+ months each time I nursed Makayla. Plus it was such a great bonding experience, and to know that I was keeping this little baby alive by providing her only source of nourishment was so rewarding!
I remember you walking! And that is good to know about nursing; that's what I had heard.
Well, it probably makes me an O2 poser (haha), but I haven't been too worried about a lot of my usual workout stuff. I'm just staying active. I get outside to walk/hike, or I go to the gym and walk or do the elliptical, probably 5 days a week. But my lifting has been very sporadic and I've not really made a regular habit out of stuff I always swore I'd do (like prenatal yoga or pilates). I just try to work up a sweat during my workouts, but not go overboard. I miss running, but every time I try, I'm just SO uncomfortable that it never works out.
I'm sure whatever you end up doing, you'll do just fine and will bounce back incredibly fast. You are very fit starting your pregnancy, that helps a ton.
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