
Lake Life

First day back to work = Tuesday?  Short work week!! 

Love those.

I wish I had more pictures from our weekend at the lake but I don't.  I just didn't feel like snapping many.  Plus I wore t-shirts and no make-up the entire time which = less than stellar photo ops :>

Here's a few of the view though!

We had a good time!  Mostly ate, laid around, and just relaxed...I finally got to ride the tube too!  It's a 3-seater and me, Luke, and Ashley (Ryan's brother and sister) rode it together.  I gave strict orders to the boat driver not to throw me off!  It was seriously so fun and my arms were even sore from the death grip I had on the handles :>  The guys skiied but I didn't think it'd be a good idea to take a chance at a ski hitting little gb.  Just riding on the boat was fun too.

My Memorial weekend diet?

Pancakes and bacon, sandwiches and taquitos, chicken, fish, corn-on-the cob, chocolate chip cookies, home-made ice cream!  And it was gooood.  Funny thing started occurring though and part of it may have been what I was eating, but after a meal, I would feel really full.  Stuffed.  Like there wasn't at much room in there, though I felt like it had been a normal sized meal.  I guess that's just the beginning though!  Even though I'm waking up with a relatively still flat stomach...(ten weeks!)

By the end of the day, it's more of a bloated pooch.  Nice huh?  :)

What did you do over the weekend?  I know our friends Brian and Amanda moved into their new town house!  We can't wait to see it!!  One other tid bit.  I got to drive Ryan's big honkin truck home from the lake!  I loved it!!  I wanted to come home earlier on Monday than he did so me and Dodge hit the road.  I felt so cool ;->  We made it with only one wrong turn no problems and came home and napped.  He was wiped out! 

And seriously.  Is it really this HOT already?  Good gravy!  I hate Texas summers.  Hate.  Hate.  Hate them.  I'm taking solace though in the fact that I won't be my biggest until it cools off.  That's good right?

Do you like the heat?  Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons.  What are yours??


Jennifer said...

Thanks so much for sharing your faith on your "about me" page. I look forward to seeing your pregnancy pictures as you get further along. Congratulations!

danica said...

hi! I just came by your blog and I'm so glad I did! It must be so exciting to be expecting a baby!! Congratulations!

Sara @ Fro Yo Foodie said...

I'm glad you found my blog because it led me to yours! I really enjoyed reading your story...CONGRATS on the baby news! How exciting!

It looks like you had a relaxing weekend at the lake. What a gorgeous setting.

Oh, and your dogs are adorable!

Kristina @goodnweird said...

The lake looks so relaxing. Definitely just had a pang of jealously.

Amber Shea @Almost Vegan said...

Kati, I totally forgot you live in Dallas! (Lucky girl!) We should totally have a health-geek-blogger meetup someday! I've been going to Dallas about once a year for the past few years, but hopefully it won't be a full year till my next trip.

Is that White Rock Lake? Hehe, I love the belly-comparison pics! :p

Amanda Estes said...

Fall is definitely my favorite season and it is soooo hot here in TX! I'm not ready for the 100 degree weather! So glad you had a great time at the lake and I can't wait to have you and Ryan over!

Tina said...

I can totally relate to the belly change over the course of the day. Mine does the same thing.

The lake looks amazing. I love going to the lake.

Karoline said...

Kati! 38 weeks in a pregnancy(on average)...Your about 1/3 on your way:):) Im still so excited! Haha I looked up wivestales on how to guess the gender; one thing said girl and another said boy. But God only knows:):) Love you!!! :):):)

Rachael Weeks said...

The Chinese calendar was right saying that Makayla was a girl. It's actually right for all of my family, and Bryan's family except for one of his sister's. Pretty crazy. I agree with Karoline though, God only knows and everyone else that gets it right is just a lucky guess!

I took pregnant belly pics as I grew but didn't post them. I love looking back at them though. It's hard for me to believe I was that big! I never felt that big. It's neat how you just wake up one morning and your belly has popped.