

I made a resolution, or goal to blog every day this year.  Yikes!  That's a far stretch from what I have been doing but I want to get in the habit of making myself write.  Even if it's short or just a picture, I want to post something every day.  Ryan told me Saturday, just 363 days to go! :-)

Do you have goals you'd like to reach this year? 

Other things I would like to accomplish in 2010:

* Open my Bible every day (and read something!)
* Organize any cluttered parts of our house and get rid of things we don't need/use
* Re-paint the trim in our house and the guest bathroom
* Hang curtains in our bedroom, the kitchen, and the "office" (it's not really an office!)
* Hand write more notes and letters to friends and family
* Write down things I'm thankful for on a regular basis
* Write more in general!
* Do more yoga
* Try new recipes (I know Ryan will appreciate this) :>

Last night I made us one of his favorites though, which he calls, "Hobo Soup."  It's verrry easy and fairly quick to make.

You need:

- 1 lb. of ground beef (I used 93/7)
- I can of Ranch Style Beans
- 1 can of diced tomatoes
- Corn (I just tossed in some frozen corn and eye-balled the amount)

Brown your meat and then throw everything else in your skillet.  Let it simmer for a little bit and that's it!  I topped mine with sour cream and shredded cheese and ate it with some tortilla chips.  Those gave the meal some salt but you may want to season your meat or the finished "soup" with some salt + pepper.

Make some for your favorite hobo tonight. :->

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