
18 Weeks

How far along? 18 weeks.
How big is baby? Baby is the size of a sweet potato or bell pepper. I like both! Baby's length is roughly 5.5 inches weighing in at 6.7 ounces.
Total weight gain/loss? 4-5 lbs up. It's fluctuating, especially since I got sick this weekend.
Maternity clothes? I wore a maternity top and dress to work one day. I'm still fitting into my normal clothes but can tell that my jeans are getting a bit more snug.
Sleep? I've been sleeping well! My secret combo is magnesium powder before bed + an Epsom salt bath or sleepy dust lotion.
Best moment this week? Hmmm...not really anything baby related I guess. I so enjoyed this long weekend and a little time at home to just VEG! Ok, here's one moment. After Karlyn's bath on Thursday, she told me, "I'm kind of hoping it's a boy a little bit." ha! She'll tell me that she mostly hopes it's a girl though.
Symptoms? I'm really feeling pretty good. Nausea is pretty much gone and energy is up.
Food cravings? No real cravings. Loving my chocolate Shakeology. =)
Food aversions? Sometimes sweets. Which is how I was with Karlyn first tri...
Gender? OK. So, my gut feeling says girl. I think we will all be surprised if it's a boy. But I really, truly don't care. I know girl...and boy will be new, uncharted territory but either way will be amazing!
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? In.
Exercise? I'm really happy to be exercising again! As sore as I was after the first few workouts and not doing anything the first tri, I told Ryan, "Imagine if I didn't do anything the whole 9 months?!" I'm taking some walks and doing workouts from The 21 Day Fix >>> which by the way, is on SALE through July! <<<end shameless plug.
What I miss? Not a lot. I'm loving this.
What I'm looking forward to? We find out Thursday what we're having!!!   And I'm just a little bit excited. :-) :-) :-) The original plan was for Ryan and I to find out Thursday and let Karlyn / everyone else find out Friday at our gender reveal party. But now I'm wondering if it would be kind of fun for Ryan and I to not know until the party too. I haven't mentioned this to him yet - and honestly, I doubt it will happen. But it would be fun!
Milestones? I'm almost half-way through this pregnancy! Which is amazing.
Movement? I've felt tiny little 1-second things that I can't be 100% sure of and I'm ready to really feel something. With Karlyn, it started right around this time so cue jeopardy music.
Bump? I'm starting to get one! Depending on the top I'm wearing, it's more or less noticeable. I'm tall though. I love what my OB told me with Karlyn ~ tall women hide big babies. Or something like that. ;>


The Killough's said...

THURSDAY!!! Yay so close!!!

Amie said...

Thursday is so close!! I was thinking girl too but turns out it's a boy! Can't wait to hear what you are having!