New month, new hair. :> Well, not really brand new, just a touch up.
Karlyn finished up with swim lessons yesterday and I'm so proud of her! She did really well, participating in each class and a had a great time. We usually go on Tue/Thur but the pool was closed today so they switched to Wednesday. She was the only kid to show up so she got a private lesson. :> I think she will miss going!
I also had my ultrasound yesterday to check and see how my body is responding to Clomid. The sono tech was the same girl we'd seen with Karlyn and with pregnancy #3. (We never had one with #2) I hadn't had a sonogram (ultrasound/sonogram...I guess those words are interchangeable?) since our last one a year ago so it was kinda weird. BUT. I didn't cry while I was there and that is a big step. That's probably in part because I got good news! Followed up by more good news today. :-) They told me that "everything looks good." I got further details....but I'm keeping those to myself. They had nothing negative to say; it was all positive which makes me very happy. I'll be honest though. For some reason, last night I got very down. Even though I got a good report, I was feeling impatient. Doubtful. Scared. Tired of it all. I thought, "why should this month be any different than the last twelve?" This morning I woke up a bit (PP!) happier though and after I got a follow-up call from the doctor's office, I was even better. I read these verses:
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" ~ Luke 12:25-26
Easy to read. Hard to do. But it's true. Worrying gives me something to DO. And that's the honest truth. Am I truly making a difference in my situation by sitting and fretting about it? Imagining possible scenarios...both good and bad? No. What else can I do? Pray about it. Trust. Recall all the ways God has led me and provided and BLESSED in the past. It's not something I'm good at and it stretches my faith. It's a journey.
That's all for now I guess. I'm optimistic and hopeful. And happy it was hair day. :)

1 comment:
Yay so happy you got good news!! "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything" :)
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