
Telling the Parents


We told our parents this weekend. I will say, it wasn't quite the same outburst of sheer excitement as with  #1 but perhaps they were expecting it a bit. :>  After some debate, we ended up doing this.

Inside a Birchbox box, no less. Have I mentioned yet how awesomely useful those things are? Christmas boxes? Done. I'm not sure of my due date yet. One app said September 29th so I'm just guessing it will be early October. We have names too because we're OCD early planners like that and we had them from last time. I'm thinking we will wait to reveal until we know the gender. And then everyone can say (like everyone does to a mom-to-be)..."Oh I love that name!" When really you're thinking, yeah, wouldn't pick that in a million years. ;) Kidding, but it's true.

This was so funny last night. I told Ryan, "I can't wait to find out what we're having." Then Karlyn pipes in: 

"We're having pizza!"


So far (uh, like in the past 10 days that we've known) I haven't had bad nausea and kinda want to snack a lot. Oh, and I ate a Whataburger chicken basket with gravy because it sounded good. Don't worry. I split that nutritious meal with my toddler. I get tired a little earlier at night which could be the 200 mg of progesterone. 

We ask Karlyn, "Do you want to have a brother or a sister?" Brother! Sister! She alternates. I'm pretty sure she doesn't get it yet.

Then this happened.

Caillou as a possible name?

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