Yay! More Fall Festival pictures. :-) Our church hosts a "Trunk or Treat" every year for the families in our church and community to bring their dressed up kiddos out for games and candy. Our Sunday School class set up a basketball game that each couple signed up in slots to work, then when you were done you could do as you please!
I thought Karlyn would have a better time at this than she did last year. I told Ryan it's funny because we look at her and think she's so grown up now but then we go somewhere like this and nope...she's still a baby. But that's ok! I love my sweet chunky 30 lb. cow baby.
She was seriously so heavy! She wanted to be held most of the night and my arms felt it the next day. Most of the games were geared towards older kids but I finally convinced her to do some bean bag tosses towards the end of the night. There was also a full size horse (no evil ponies!) and a Chic-fil-a cow. Little miss wanted nothing to do with them.
She had her face painted, jumped in the bounce house, and found her friend Minnie Mouse to top off a fun-filled night. She wasn't sure about these big bins of candy and I of course encouraged her to go for the good stuff. Chocolate > sweet tarts, my dear.
There were all kinds of animals there! A dragon, a monkey, and an owl all made appearances. This dressing up your kid thing is pretty funny. I'm quite sure that all of Karlyn's costumes will have to be bought though because this mama can't sew. Maybe one day.
Enjoy the camera roll!
Since she's learning colors...she told her, "it's blue! it's green!" :-) |
Karlyn and I left early while Ryan stayed to pack up. Our convo on the way home:
Me: "I'm tired Karlyn!"
Her: "I'm tired too mama."
*Thanks to Andrea for our family photo!

1 comment:
Love your family pic and your cute little cow! So glad we got to hang out for a bit!
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