Hey, hey. It's Tuesday. And I got mail! I mentioned a few posts ago that my friend Heather was opening an Etsy shop. Well she did and it's up and running. I was excited to order one of her key fobs because I am forever digging around in my purse trying to come up with mine. While my husband waits...and waits. It doesn't even matter if I down-size my purse. The keys still disappear. I think I have a much better chance of finding them now. And look how super cute it is! You can find these and more here~
I thought I'd be super adventurous today and actually try a Pinterest idea. I had seen a pin about dipping fruit in yogurt and then freezing it. I thought Karlyn might like it! Wrong. She just doesn't love cold frozen things. Oh well. I've been snacking on them a little. Maybe when she gets older.
I've also been making a few new Paleo recipes that I'll post soon. I'm having fun trying new combinations!
I'm trying to get back into yoga. I am soooo tight and it hurts so good. I did a 20 minute hip opening flow yesterday that I love and plan to do it tomorrow too. I'm also doing some squats and other body weight type exercises at home instead of hitting up the gym. I go back and forth on whether I should keep my gym membership...sometimes it's just easier to do stuff at home.
And attempting to drink more lemon water...it helps to move your body into a more alkaline state. Acidic = bad. Alkaline = good. And it's a nice change from plain h2O.
One more thing. :) I've shared this before but it's too fun not to share again. Want some beachy waves? Tired of flat-ironing your hair in this heat? Make your own curly hair spray! This recipe is what I've been using a couple times a week. I got it off...you guessed it. Pinterest.
1 cup warm water
1 T. sea salt
1 t. coconut oil
1 t. hair gel
Mix/Shake together in a squirt bottle. Wa-la! I make sure my hair is 2nd or 3rd day dirty and after towel-drying, I scrunch it with my hand. Then I spray it all over really well and scrunch again. And again. Then I dry it with my diffuser. It's fun for a change =)

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