I made it! I set a goal at the end of June to blog every day during the month of July and I did it! I really enjoyed it and I think it helped me get back in the writing rhythm. I hope you found something worth reading too. :-)
Have you noticed any changes to the blog? It may not seem like much but I'm embarrassed to admit how many hours I spent yesterday trying to update things a bit. I am NOT tech savvy but I am stubborn.
What are my goals for this blog?
- Document life at the Ivey's! Post pure toddler cuteness and the in's and out's of everyday life as a family of 3.
- Spread my passion for healthy living and nutrition. This is a big one. I LOVE sharing this message! My dream is to help someone - or many someone's! - see real health transformation in their lives by making some key changes. It IS doable! If I can help through a recipe, personal story, or point the way for you to learn through people smarter than myself, I will gladly do it.
- Practice writing. I love to write and it comes somewhat easily to me. I enjoy it. I also love reading other blogs! Being active in a blog community is a lot of fun and especially in mommy-ville, can provide encouragement and laughter.
I hope you'll follow along as I continue this journey. I've been telling myself over the past few months...just make it to August! Now, even today, I see that August is going to present its own set of challenges. Thankfully I don't have to face them alone.
One more thing. See those nifty little blue buttons up on the top right-ish? I pretty much developed carpal tunnel trying to install them but they should be working now. You can follow me on Twitter or Pinterest! The RSS feed button will allow you read this blog through feedburner if you already follow other blogs there. The last one lets you hit me up with an e-mail! Comments? Questions? I would sincerely love to hear from you!
Comment on posts you like or let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see. It always helps to know who your audience is. :>
Thanks for reading!
Way to go on blogging everyday! I love your writing!
Thanks Amanda! It was a fun challenge :)
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