
It's a beautiful day!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood...would you be mine?  Could you be mine?  Isn't that the Mr. Roger's song?  I haven't heard it in a while so I could be off there.

It is seriously gorgeous outside though!

I got home from work and was able to rest for a few minutes on the couch and then do some blog reading.  My child is now going on a 3 hour nap!  Craziness.  I read though that after a growth spurt, they can just sleep and sleep.  That's when the growing happens!  I also hope that means I get my happy, contented baby back.  Let's hope so.

Yesterday *our anniversary!* was a pretty normal day of work for both of us.  We did get some pretty flowers though from Karlyn!  ha ha...actually picked out by Ryan's mother.  It was very sweet of her.

We may go out to eat and use our Outback giftcard sometime this weekend so that will be fun.  I also get to go to a wedding shower for my cousin Cameron's fiance, Lauren.  It's at my mom's house and the invitation was to Karlyn and I both so I guess she's going too. :>  Her first shower...ha.  I ran by Bed, Bath, and Beyond to pick up a gift and they very nicely wrapped it all up for me with tissue paper and a purple ribbon.  One less thing I have to do!  ~I remember all the wedding gifts we got~ It is so nice and fun opening all of that stuff and setting it up in the place you'll be living.  Good times.

Now the question is, how should we spend this glorious afternoon?! 

A stroller walk?

Baking brownies?

House cleaning?  Boo.

Organizing the "office" closet?  Double Boo.

Heading to the town square to browse around?  I think that sounds fun :)  If someone will wake up. ;)

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend before we have to SPRING FOWARD.  Don't forget to set your clocks back!!  I am so not looking forward to this.  C-ya!

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