2 I don't think I'll ever feel caught up on sleep again or "not tired" anytime soon.
3 Working part time is still working. And my "work" for the day certainly doesn't end at noon!
4 Life is hard. No matter what.
5 My house is not perfect. As soon as I get one room cleaned up, the other is a mess. Dishes and laundry somehow multipy with the addition of one little person.
6 Nursing is my other part time job.
7 I think it's easy to see glimpses of people's lives from the outside without the struggles on the inside. I struggle with thinking "This shouldn't be this hard for me! So-and-so is dealing with these things just fine."
8 High intensity workouts are a thing of the past. A walk with the stroller is an accomplishment now. Maybe one day I'll run again.
9 I wouldn't trade anything for my little girl, now matter how challenging it gets.
10 Sometimes you just need
And You are doing a great job with it all! Tomorrow is Friday and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
You are doing GREAT! Every mom out there has feelings like she isn't doing enough or good enough. I do as well. All we can do is give our best. You're definitely doing that and your best is amazing!
I could have written this... these are my exact feelings right now... I'm just. so. tired.
I stuggle with number 7 every day!! I'm glad I'm not alone. You are a wonderful mom!
P.S. Can I come over and eat brownie batter with you?!?!?! =)
Thanks Tina...I know I'm not the only one. I need that reminder that my best is all I can do :>
Yes you can. Except now I just have a pan of brownies...I actually would rather just have the batter! Shouldn't have baked them :)
I feel for you/us! How is your little boy doing? We should chat :) Yes, the tiredness never goes away does it?
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