

Guess where we're going this weekend? 

Ryan has a 10 year high school reunion dinner tomorrow night.  Crazy huh?!  I found out tonight that it's $30 a person so I'll be expecting some darn good mexican food.  It should be interesting though.  Ryan went to a much bigger high school (I just had to google to make sure that is actually two words...sorry Heather) than I did so who knows who all will show up.  Not like I'll know any of them but still.  I bet people change a lot in 10 years.

We've had a pretty low-key evening around here.  I'm slightly embarrased to mention where to chose to eat dinner tonight.  What costs $5, is all you-can-eat, and was a pretty exciting place to eat when you were 8?  CiCi's.  :-o 

Pretty sure it's been a good 2-3 years since I've stepped foot in one but tonight we were trying to think of something close and cheap since we're forking over $60 tomorrow to eat dinner with strangers...to me!  It was what I expected I guess.  I was ravenous when I got home from work and ate some cereal to take the edge off while I waited for Ryan.  That kinda killed my appetite a bit but I still managed to knock back several slices at the fine pizzeria.  Man, I could put it away there when I young though.  Gosh, I even remember going there for a lunch in the middle of an all-day basketball camp one time.  Nice healthy choice to fuel our sport.

We probably won't go back for another 2-3 years.  I had a friend tell me tonight that I inspired her...working out, eating healthy, etc.  Well, it's not all carrots and cardio over here, but I try to have a balance.  You can eat the junk every now and then when you try to eat healthy most of the time.  It made me feel good though that she said that.  She told me she liked the blog, and I told her I want to blog more!  I seriously want to devote so much more time and energy to it but seem to be lacking both lately.  I want this to be an outlet not just for me but a help, encouragement, and motivation to others to live well.  And eat pizza every now and then.

Ryan and I were talking at dinner about what I want to do in life...I don't really know completely.  I lamented over not going to grad school right after college.  Then he told me I wouldn't have met him and didn't I think I got the better deal?  ;>  I do like to write though and I know my writing won't improve unless I write.  So you may see more frequent posts; we'll see.  I am about to enter my 3rd trimester, so who knows what that will bring. 

What do you want to read??

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