On to the weekend.
I. am. tired. It's been a long week. Well the first half went by quickly because I was looking forward to my appointment! Anyways, this is going to be short and sweet because I just feel wiped out.
My appointwent went well Wednesday. As many of you may have already read on Facebook, we had another sonogram and got to see our little gummy bear :> Baby Ivey is now 2 centimeters long and it was so cute seeing the little arm buds. It was even slightly squirming around.! More like wiggling. Ever so slight. The heartbeat was nice and strong at 179 bpm. Coolest sound ever. We've been spoiled by these every 2 week appointments but now we're on the once a month schedule.
Thursday night I got to have dinner with two great friends. Our "regular" is Cotton Patch, the baked potato soup. If you haven't tried it, you should. I also got to talk to Lindy, my bff of 13? years! It was so good to catch up with her a little.
Today I felt pretty good at work and was able to wrap some things up. I was slightly preoccupied though because last night my mom phoned to tell me both my dad and my youngest brother were in the hospital. Two separate ones. Kolton has had bronchitis and because he has Type 1 diabetes, when he gets sick it's a bigger deal. It took them a while to regulate his blood sugar and get his numbers where they needed to be. My dad has been just feeling crummy for the last few weeks. He's had some chest pain among other things and last night decided to go to the E.R. They kept him overnight and after several tests including a chemical stress test today, he checked out ok, as far as his heart goes. He is scheduled to have a scope of his esophogus on Monday though. Both of them are home now resting, thank the Lord.
I went and saw The Back-Up Plan today. I was going to go see my dad but my mom called shortly after I left work and told me they were headed home and he's been sacked out since. I liked the movie! I needed some stress relief and alone time and that was perfect. Cute story and I actually cried at the end. Not sure why, but it felt kinda good. Did I mention I decided to purchase the ridiculously priced small popcorn while I was there? And that I then proceeded to eat the whole thing during the movie? It was good. But maybe not a great idea. I was too full to eat dinner with Ryan afterwards but still ate a litte. So. full. And tired.
So yeah, now I'm thinking an early bedtime sounds divine. I'm meeting my friend Heather for breakfast in the morning and I'm very excited. We went to high school together and the last time I saw her was at her baby shower...a year ago I think?? ish?
I'm down for the count. Adios.
1 comment:
I hope your dad and brother are both ok!
Yay for little gummy bear! :D I love that you call he/she that, hehe.
PS—Be sure to enter my blog giveaway before tomorrow morning! :]
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