
The sweetest day

I guess I'm a fan of Valentine's Day :--> I've always been somewhat of a romantic type and lovvve all things girly and sweet ;)  Ryan and I have had a great weekend!

Friday night we ate at a new burger place.  It was ok. Typical greasy hamburgers, fries, and onion rings that taste good but make ya feel a little yuck later.  :>  Good stuff.  Then we went and saw the new movie, "Valentine's Day."  I was so disappointed!  We both were really.  I won't ruin the movie for any of you hoping to see it but I will say that it was kinda slow and there were too many stories to keep up with!

Saturday morning I got us off on the right foot with some Peanut Butter French Toast!  Here's my recipe for 1 serving:

2 pieces whole wheat bread
1 egg
splash of milk
cinnamon (few good shakes)
vanilla (capful)
peanut butter
agave nectar (or whatever syrup you want!)

Beat the egg and milk together and add the vanilla and cinnamon.  Soak the bread slices for about a minute, making sure to coat them well.  Fry em up in a pan sprayed with non-stick spray till they look done :> Top with peanut butter and syrup!  **Ryan likes his with the peanut butter inside so I gladly accomodated**

We cleaned up the house-as usual- and then went our separate ways.  I headed to do some birthday shopping (Ryan turns 28 Friday!) and Ryan kept telling me he needed to get to the hardware store...(aka- buy my valentine's present :> ) Who says hardware store anymore? he he

Anyways, I got some wicked good deals while I was out!  I bought Ryan's b-day present and also a few things for myself.  Of course!  But in my defense I did have a Macy's gift card to use from Christmas.  I got 2 super cute shirt/dress type tops to wear over leggings-for $5 each!!! Woo hoo!  I also got a fun black necklace to wear with them for $13, on sale.  Continuing with my $5 theme, I got a top at Charlotte Ruesse for. you guessed it. $5!  It's sheer- grey with pink flowers and will be great when it warms up!

So, funny story of the weekend. :-)  I headed to Target to pick up a few more items before going home.  I called Ryan a few times and finally the third time, he answered.  This is how our conversation went:

Ryan: Where are you
Kati: I'm at our Target
Ryan: (stifled laugh...) Oh, ok
Kati: Are you here?
Ryan: No
Kati: Then why did you laugh?
Ryan: Because I might be here...
Kati: ha- Well I looked for your truck in the pkg. lot
Ryan: I looked for yours too (the pkg. lot was packed!)
Ryan: Well just don't bump into me
Kati: (walking as I talk---I see my husband. on the phone. talking to me)

It really was funnier in person! ha ha.  He shoved the card he had bought me under his arm and we stood there for a minute laughing.

We ended up eating at McCallister's afterwards.  We actually got to eat for FREE, using a coupon they had sent us after messing up a to-go order we had placed a few months ago.  SCORE!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Ryan and I exchanged Valentine's gifts this morning before church.  I got my handsome man a red Nike Pro compression long-sleeved workout shirt.  It looks good :>  I also got him some workout socks and some mini-snickers to take to work! 

Ryan handed me a vase holding 3 beautiful pale yellow roses this morning and inside my pink gift sack was:

Oh yeah... more of Jillian!  I'm gonna love these!  I did 20 min. of the "boost your metabolism" one this morning and it was tough!  With these 2 plus "the shred" I'll have plenty of livingroom workout variety!!

These smell so good!  I love my husband so much and appreciate how thoughful and sweet he is :> 

I wore my new outfit to church!

...and made Ryan snap a pic.

Happy Valentine's Day blog friends!


Amanda said...

So glad you had a great Valentine's weekend! and I Loved the new dress! I need you as my personal shopper :)

Heather said...

You have an unnatural love of peanut butter! It cracks me up because I'm pretty sure that 85% of your posts include some mention of the substance. Hehe! Cute cute outfit though! I'm going to ditto Amanda and request your shopping expertise.