
April Update

Hey! I'm still here. :-) Kind of.

Oh man. I guess this will be an April wrap-up post. I'm ready for a new month. I already switched my calender a few days ago. Tomorrow will be eight weeks since our D&C. I don't know if that seems like a long or short time ago. Just like after the first miscarriage, it seems surreal. Did that really happen? Have we really lost two babies now? Will the next time I get pregnant be my fourth pregnancy?

I'm happy to report though that as I've said before, I have handled this loss a lot better than the first one. Some of that I think is just having gone through it already, and the rest is God's grace and your prayers and help. I had blood work done, 16 vials worth. :-0 And I got the results of those tests back last week. Good news and other news and I want to write a separate post on what they found soon. I've already started on a new regimen that hopefully will help but there are no promises. I know God is in control and I also have a great doctor. I want to believe that next time will be the one, that everything will go right. It's going to be the hugest test of faith yet I'm afraid and honestly I'm not sure how I will handle it.

Ryan is almost done with his "busy season." This has been the hardest one yet and he's been working some killer late hours. We're hopeful though that May will see it winding down and he'll be home more to hang out with his girls. He is also having some testing done that we should know the results of in a couple of weeks. I'm so proud of him for working so hard to support our family. He has held up very well, much better than I would have and he doesn't complain about the LONG hours at his desk. He still gets Karlyn dressed in the morning before daycare and I think he secretly enjoys that. :>

Karlyn is crazy as ever and so amazingly sweet. Most of the time. She has officially moved into "preschool 1" at her daycare which means...fully potty trained! She still wears a diaper or pull-up to bed but I'm wondering if that will go away soon as well. She really enjoys being there I think and it's been such a good arrangement for us with my schedule and location wise. I know she will love it once their weekly water days start up again! She's still sleeping the second half of the night in our bed. No comment. She says stuff like, "come here! come here! I need to show you sump-ing!" And, "I want juice and bunny crackers. But juice first."

I started a new blog! Be Balanced Wellness. I'm excited about it but feel torn at the same time. I've pretty much decided that I can't keep up a daily blogging schedule. Even every other day seems like a stretch. And I still would really like to blog here also. I've put a lot into this little family blog and I like writing about more than just health and wellness. I want to keep recording the silly stuff my daughter says and the funny things that happen to us and just life in general. So do I write two blogs? Is that crazy? I'll figure it out I guess.

My goal with this new blog was to pursue my passions and help people learn to live healthier lives and in turn feel better! I would like to complete a couple of certifications to help me along but I don't have a time frame on that yet and I have no idea what the rest of this year looks like for us. Thank goodness.

So that's a little of what's going on with the Iveys. We're welcoming May and all it holds. But mostly, just hangin' out. :-)

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