Eggs + Warm cinnamon apples = Yum.
I'm starting a new lifting routing and am going to start going (one way or another!) to the gym 3x a week. I'm hoping to lift on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays although I may have to be a little flexible depending on babysitting. Sometimes Ryan's mom is able to keep Karlyn during a weekday afternoon but other days I might need to make myself go up there after he gets home. Of course there is always the option of rising at the butt crack of dawn to work out in the morning. Ugh. I've tried that before and while it's a great feeling to have it over with that early, it makes for one long day. I think if I got into the habit though, my body would probably adjust. Part of me finds that option tempting. Hmmm.
Is anyone else motivated by new workout gear? I got these 3 pieces on clearance at Target for about $3.50 each! 75% off in the workout clothing section is RARE but I guess I got lucky =)
After my workout, I bit the bullet and got groceries. I really don't love buying groceries but I do love having a stocked fridge, freezer, and pantry. Paying for said groceries? Not fun either. I do want to get better at finding and taking advantage of grocery deals. Kelly just put up a post with dozens of links to other posts on ways that familes are finding to save money and I want to spend some time perusing those. Do you have any tips?? I've yet to see a coupon for "BUY 1 BAG OF APPLES, GET ONE FREE!" :-0
My sweet husband cleaned a lot of the house today and mowed the back yard while Karlyn and I headed to visit my mom. She had her tonsils out yesterday! Not fun. Her sister was there to see her too and we all hung out in the bedroom while she rested and she got to see Karlyn. While we were over there, Ryan texted me that he had found Noah. Remember a few weeks ago when I took Karlyn's ark of animals up to Kid-to-Kid but I couldn't find him? Turns out Dodge had taken him outside and...well...see for yourself.
*So what did you think of Fitness Friday?! I had a friend (hi!) tell me that she was pumped after reading it and was motivated to do something! That was my goal and made me happy to hear. Let me know if you have a question or topic you'd like discussed on future Fridays. I'll do my best!
And, I'm out.

love reading your blogs. not sure if you've tried shopping at aldi yet but their prices are LOW! it's their brands but most that i've tried, i've liked. plus albertsons had bags of apples this past week, buy 1 get 1 free. not sure if it was advertised though. keep up the great blogging!
Thanks! We did try out Aldi once and I'm thinking I need to try it again. I wasn't impressed with the quality of some of the things we got but others might be worth a trip.
I was kidding about the apples so I'll have to watch out for Albertstons! :)
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