Speaking of cute, last night Karlyn got to go to her first "Trunk or Treat" that our church hosts for the community every Fall. She was kind-of overwhelmed but she did great and posed for too many pictures by her crazy mother. Here are some of my faves~
She'll be toddling all over the place next year! Our sunday school class had a basketball booth set up where the kids got to throw bean-bag socks into the goal. Ryan and I helped out over there for a little bit while Sharon pushed Kar around. By 7:30 it had gotten dark, windy, and chilly so everyone started to pack up. We got several comments on her Arkansas Razorbacks outfit...it was a gift from Karlyn's great-grandmother who lives in Arkansas now :-)
3 Things I'm excited About:
* Tonight I get to go up to the Crossfit gym again for a free "Eat Real" team workout. Woo hoo! I'm hoping it's a little harder than last time although I should probably be careful what I wish for.
* My 2nd "Fitness Friday" post comes out tomorrow. I'm excited to hear what you think!
* Two weeks from Saturday, I'm taking Ryan somewhere that should be a lot of fun. My 10 year high school reunion! Has is really been that long? :-0 Craziness. I'm looking forward to catching up with my classmates!
Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods? ;)

She was so cute!!
She looks so adorable!!!
And hope you had a great workout. I have always wanted to try Crossfit. :)
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