I have so looked forward to the day that I would get to clear out our back bedroom and turn it into a nursery! I cleaned it out a while back ...it had my old twin bed in it that I slept in at like 3 years old! Other than that, when we first got married, this room was kind-of a catch all for random wedding gifts we got but either hadn't used yet or didn't have room for. Inside the closet I had all my gift wrap, gift sacks, and tissue paper, which had grown majorly out of control. We also had some of Ryan's football/nascar paraphernalia (had to google how to spell that) and just other stuff. Out it all came, most of it taking a ride down to Helping Hands. I organized all my gifty stufff in a long rectangular clear bin for easy use. It kinda wouldn't fit anywhere though so it's currently pushed as far under the futon in our "office" as it will go.
The nursery-to-be is a cream flat color right now that was desperately crying out for fresh paint. I started earlier this week working on the trim - door frames and baseboards. They look so much better! I've got all the trim done but one door frame after working on it more today after work. And tomorrow we're painting the walls! Satin instead of Flat, and the paint is Olympic brand, low VOC (supposed to be less fumes for preggos :>) The color is called "puppy paws." Ahhh. We had originally picked a card called "pale powder" but it wasn't an Olympic color so they couldn't match it. This was verrry close though and it's a light tan/brown color. I really hope I like it ! I want it to give the room a warm, cozy feel and pop against the cream trim.
Dodge is wondering what's going on back there. . .
Sorry Dodge. We're not creating a deluxe shorkie haven.
This room is the perfect size for a sweet little girl :-)
A girl whose closet is already collecting outfits.
I'll be 27 weeks on Sunday. Yesterday morning she was seriously wound up. It was so funny. I told Ryan I think she got her days mixed up because she's usually really active on Fridays. I'm still feeling good although I'm finding myself tossing and turning more at night, and switching sides. I've gotten my sweet tooth back somewhat although I do still love salty/cheesy, like the Valentino's meal I had tonight! We were starving and I scarfed down a garlic roll with butter, side salad with ranch, and some canneloni: tubed pasta filled with beef, spinach, and cheese. It was pretty greasy :/ but overall good. I'm full so it did the job :)
Tomorrow night we're celebrating my sister's 14th birthday. How can she be that old?!!! I'm excited to see my family...and to finish painting! I have a feeling I'll be up and at em early.
What are your weekend plans? Are you Texans going to the Fair? Did anyone watch "My Generation" last night? Ryan kinda wanted to but he didn't know it was last night AND I was watching a different show. We may hit it up on hulu.
Happy Friday!
I think you'll like the menu i have picked out for tomorow night:)
That is too funny, my little boy is usually most active on Fridays too! haha!! I guess they can sense their mama's relief that the weekend is here!! ;)
We just got our nursery together! Isn't it SO fun finally getting it going!! :) It makes it feel even more real. This is such a fun time in our lives right now!! :)
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